To transition to a low-carbon economy, we are working with our clients to decarbonize their business and finance innovative solutions in areas like renewable energy and clean technology.
Our sustainability strategy is focused on driving significant progress towards a net-zero future, with ambitious goals to achieve carbon neutrality and net-zero with our committed science-based emissions reduction targets in the near-term and long-term.
We are committed to reducing our emissions, increasing the use of renewable energy, and transitioning to a circular economy. By implementing sustainable procurement practices and engaging our supply chain, we ensure responsible sourcing and environmental stewardship.
Carbon neutrality across global operations
100% renewable electricity across global operations
Carbon neutrality across the global value chain
monitored through EnOS™ Ark.
Equivalent to driving 1.4 million vehicles for a year according to the US EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator.
monitored abatement achieved by our customers.
That is greater than 24x of France’s annualized emissions reduction targets, according to Le Monde.
Reduction in absolute Scope 2 location-based tCO2e from 2020
Renewable electricity – achieved 1 year ahead of target
Edge products recyclability
Female workforce representation – trailing the industry average of 30%
Nationalities represented
Average training hours per employee – 3x increase from 2022
Completion of anti-bribery and corruption employee training
Substantiated complaints on cybersecurity & data privacy
of procurement spend screened for environmental & social criteria