In today’s business landscape, the stakes of effectively navigating a clear pathway to net zero emissions are rising with no signs of slowing down:
In an environment of rising attention and scrutiny, trust becomes a decisive factor and wherever business can build trust, they should seize it.
When it comes to carbon offsetting, trust is of utmost importance. That’s why Univers recently unveiled a partnership with Citi.
Establishing Trust in Carbon Markets: The Partnership between Univers and Citi
Univers and Citi partner together to provide innovative software solution that enables organizations to seamlessly purchase Voluntary Carbon Credits (VCCs) and support projects that aim to reduce, avoid or remove greenhouse gases (GHG). As a preeminent banking partner, Citi offers high-quality VCCs and structured financing to support institutions in sourcing projects across different locations and methodologies. Univers’ EnOS Ark Energy & Carbon Management platform can help calculate users’ Scope 1 to 3 carbon emissions footprint and access VCC projects from Citi’s portfolio.
For more details, read the full press release here.
Univers’ Comprehensive Carbon Management Solution
Univers’ carbon management solution ensures transparency throughout, from measurement to abatement. It empowers businesses to make informed decisions by allocating investments to areas that require the most attention within their scope. This transparency fosters trust among stakeholders, as they can witness the direct impact of their carbon management initiatives.
The solution also enables companies to track the allocation of carbon credits, ensuring traceability and accountability in their carbon offsetting efforts. Organizations can trace their carbon credits back to specific projects for their volume and scope of usage. This level of traceability not only strengthens trust but also encourages more engagement in carbon trading initiatives.
Decarbonize your enterprise starting from here.
² WIR2021_ch05_en.pdf (unctad.org)
³ 27% said they will consider a potential employer’s position on sustainability before accepting a job. https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/environmental-social-governance/importance-of-sustainability-to-employees.html
Ynse de Boer
Univers Senior Advisor
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/ynsedeboer